Zhuhai Spark Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993. The company is devoted to developing best-sounding audio equipment and marketing the Hi-Fi products under the name of Cayin. Cayin's audio products carry distinctive cultural connotation and span over a very wide price range because we believe in making music accessible to all sectors. Our tube amplifiers have been particularly well-received while we have a comprehensive product collection ranging from CD players to speakers as well, all of which presenting the same high quality benchmark and attractive in price performance.
Cayin ventured into personal audio on 2013 and launched a series of Digital Audio Players (DAP) and desktop audio products. The N-series DAP products provide high-quality audio experience for the users while they are on the go, the company also released the i-series desktop audio system for liftstyle customers. Cayin also developed a series portable audio products including portable amplifers and in-ear monitors for users to explore in a wide range of choices.